As a wedding photographer, my goal is to tell the story of your wedding with original wedding photographs that meet professional quality standards.

My goal as a person who performs this function is for you to have an emotional memory that transports and excites you again, just like on your wedding day.

What is behind original wedding photographs? 

Behind a wedding photography report there is mainly a person with a great vocation, creativity and training. Behind original wedding photographs there is an all-terrain: photographer, retoucher, layout designer, computer specialist, community manager, public relations, image consultant, psychologist, wedding planner… a friend.

An enthusiast of photography capable of reacting in a tenth of a second to an emotional moment, and you are a very important part of making the magic happen.

The famous «chemistry with the photographer» is created. 

A beer, a coffee, a video call, a dozen WhatsApp audios; any of these communication methods are valid. Communication is vital to start creating the famous chemistry with the photographer.

Connecting with couples makes the difference between a «correct» job and a «knockout» job; both proposals are valid but I will always opt for the second one.

I am aware that most couples are not models: «We are two sticks, you will see”

With my method, I manage to make couples feel comfortable, to show themselves naturally. To disconnect from the stress of wedding preparations: wedding dresses, hair and makeup, the banquet, flowers, guest list, organizing tables… the photographer! I manage to make them flow by playing, laughing, being themselves; that’s always where the best images come from.

Your wedding photographer should not be a cause for concern. Discover the wedding reports and opinions of the people who hired me. People like you who bet on a quality service with guarantees.

I leave you with a selection of some of my original wedding photographs. The most recent ones are already available on Instagram, the link is below, follow me! Don’t fall behind.


«From the first contact with Javier Asenjo, everything has been above expectations. Firstly in the pre-wedding, far exceeding what was planned, until the very day of the wedding, in which his little grain of sand was vital for everything to go perfectly. We can only thank you for your professionalism, closeness and excellent work.» María & Sergio
Fotografía de boda en elche 1

Shall we talk?
